Darts History “CLXXX Caesar” by Prof MaoLaow

Sawasdee kha – Hello – I am Professor Maolaow and I am so proud to be the newest addition to the excellent Darts Thailand staff. I have a keen interest in darts myself and also how darts played an integral part of cultures throughout the ages. I am currently chair of the history department at Lower Sukhumvit University specializing in ancient Mediterranean studies.

Celebrations in March include the Ides of March on 15 March and the much more popular Saint Patrick’s Day on 17 March. So, is the Ides of March a lucky day or an unlucky day? Before Julius Caesar’s death in 44 BC, the Ides of March celebrated the first full moon in that month. In ancient Rome, it was usually a time for celebration, family gatherings, and even parades – a good luck day. Now days however people see the Ides of March as a bad luck day.

The 15th of March falls on a Friday this year which means many of you will be playing darts. If it turns out NOT to be a lucky or good night of darts for you, no worries. St Patrick’s Day is only two days later and is always a great day to recuperate and considered a very good luck day by all!

In this DT Special Report, we look at who many consider to have been the “Phil Taylor” of olden days and all antiquity – Julius Caesar, aka Julius ‘CLXXX’ Caesar. Known by all his men to be an ardent darter, he even had a dartboard set up in his battle field tent. His favorite game was DI, commonly known as 501 now days.

We also take a look at some of Caesar’s most notable quotes on darts. His favorite health drink – undoubtedly the “Bloody Caesar.” Confused by some with a Bloody Mary, the difference is the Bloody Mary uses tomato juice whereas the Bloody Caesar uses Clamato, a blend of tomato and clam juice.

Again, I am most happy to be joining the DT staff. I am currently working on a list of darts venues throughout Thailand. Many of these are regularly seen on our ‘DartsThailand’ group page on FaceBook. All info of major Thailand dart tournaments and events are listed here as soon as we learn of them. Our goal at DT is to always provide you, our reader, with the most up-to-date, accurate darts action information to be found throughout Thailand.

Until next time, I hope all your darts fly straight & true. – Prof MaoLaow

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