Darts Friendly Match #6 – by Johnny

Friendly Match #6 – Don’t Tell Mama -VS- New Cowboy Darts Club. Greetings and many thanks to you dart players from around the globe who follow and support us here at DT. The growing popularity of our friendly darts challenge match series continually increases the friendly ties between our two outstanding darts venues. This we truly value but it has also become the envy of some other darts venues. So what’s our secret to guarantee a successful darts event or series? Actually it’s quite simple.

Take two popular darts venues known for supporting darts 2) Add one player from each venue willing to get off their arse and do some simple communication & coordination and you got yourself a winner! No need for supervision from a darts league, origination or association. No need for a major sponsor like a beer company that promises the world but rarely delivers on even the most minim support. Just remember this winning formula of the military – KISS – “Keep It Simple, Stupid” – that’s it. Of the many popular and supportive darts venues in Thailand it’s now my pleasure to highlight these two – many of you already know them but for you newbies – check ’em out.

DON’T TELL MAMA – is a friendly, open-air bar in Jomtien Beach just outside Pattaya. DTM is in Rompho Market on 2nd Road. A bar in a Thai market? Actuallar Rompho Market is divided in two – one half a traditional Thai market – the other half a plaza of quaint bars, shops and eateries. DTM is of course a well known darts venue but also has pool comps and live music. DTM is owned by the ever affable May & Robert. Steen serves as captain of their darts team as well as setting up DTM’s darts events. About three hours from Bangkok and it’s hectic never ending traffic snarls – DTM offers a much more laid back pace as well as being cheaper than Bangkok. If you fancy yourself a skillful darts player ask for a game with Aek – DTM’s manager and also top darts player.

NEW COWBOY DARTS CLUB – is a popular local pub and a major Bangkok darts venue ever since it opened for business in 1986. It’s located on Sukhumvit Soi 22 (500 meters in from the Sukhumit / Soi 22 intersection where the Holiday Inn is an easy to see landmark). New Cowboy IS NOT located on the infamous Soi Cowboy – common error for some newbies especially when a taxi driver hears the word ‘cowboy’. Soi Cowboy is named for Texan “Cowboy” Edwards and there is a relationship as New Cowboy was his last bar venture in Bangkok. Although New Cowboy has received major renovations over the years it still maintains its original appearance. And most important the atmosphere and feel of a “real” darts bar – unlike so many of the newer “plastic” contemporary-style bars found today.

The New Cowboy operation is run by the multi-talented Miss Tia – always greeting people arriving while she keeps score for darts – while also managing the overall operation and cash register as well as the kitchen operation. Amazing enough – but top this off with the fact that she’s also a great darts player. As the popular local – New Cowboy has all its regulars in attendance and it’s not unusual to see action on the dartboard on and given night but Fridays and Sundays are most popular.

It’s easy to see that with two such great darts venues and the support they offer – it took little from Steen at DTM and me at NC – to coordinate this popular long running darts friendly challenge series. Our next match will be at DTN in Jomtien and our New Cowboy players are already looking forward to the date being set. Apologies to those whose photos we did not get “in action” at the oche this match as we experienced a few technical difficulties. Additional pics in the following photo gallery include photos from Match 01 – 05. Also here are links to the first five friendly matches including each article and photo gallery.

21 Nov 2015 – NC @ DTM #1 by Adam – CLICK HERE
20 Feb 2016 – DTM @ NC #2 by Bennett – CLICK HERE
28 May 2016 – NC @ DTM #3 by Steen – CLICK HERE
13 Aug 2016 – DTM @ NC #4 by Johnny – CLICK HERE
21 Jan 2017 – NC @ DTM #5 by MaoLaew – CLICK HERE

Hope to see you at the darts oche. – Johnny

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