Miss Tia Retiring – by Johnny

Greetings from “The Land of Smiles” – perhaps a few less smiles as we learn that New Cowboy’s Miss Tia is retiring and moving back up-country to her hometown. Tia’s farewell message is below here on the DT website. If your reading this on our FB page – it’s on the first photo of the gallery.

Hopefully my English computation truly captures what Tia wants to express. For any regular of the New Cowboy you know that Miss Tia was going to stay on until it was sold. So, New Cowboy is being sold? That is currently under negotiation. We’re being optimistic on a future for the New Cowboy. As soon as that is made known – we will announce it. But either way – we sadly say goodbye to Miss Tia as she will move back to her home town.

That’s the situation as it now stands. Why am I so late with the news? As sale talks are going on – Tia asked me to hold off with any announcements or updates. But as Miss Tia’s Retirement Party is this Thursday – this is as late as it could possibly be delayed. For the rest of this article I will look at all the great times shared with all the great customers of New Cowboy – a “few” photos from my years at NCB. My apologizes for anyone’s photo I may have missed but as you can see – it’s already a sizable photo gallery.

I would at this time like to personally thank Tia and Ivar, the financial backer of New Cowboy. Years ago when I asked Ivar about money for any possible of my hair-brained ideas for New Cowboy darts events. Ivar always had the same answer – ask Tia – if it’s okay with her – it’s a go. Most successful were our “friendly darts challenge comps.” Look at our pic on DT with “Don’t Tell Mama” from Jomtien Beach – return matches, packing the house and most important introducing darts players to each other.

We also did this in town (BKK) with Buddys Bar & Grill. NOTE – Buddy’s Bar Tom is slightly taller than Tia – but I always got me a thousand baht hypothetically (if a legal) bet. Tom – Miss Tia at 49 cm could kick your ar$e at darts 501 – any time – any where. Friendly banter brings darts players together for good, great times.

As I yammer on – I once asked Tia to do a “Hawaiian Darts Do.” Nothing associated with darts at New Cowboy or the venue. But we did it & we done did good. Hope to see you in the future when we only got real good news for you ! – – Johnny

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