Hello “Sawasdee Kop” Vol. 009 by Johnny

Welcome to our newest TBT feature. This report we look at long time popular Dubliner Irish Pub & Restaurant. Just about a Bangkok landmark itself the original Dubliner stood at the Sukhumvit Rd. entrance of Washington Square. With the demise of Washington Square – Dubliner was among a few businesses of the Square to continue on at a new location.

The other former Washington Square biz residents that relocated – Bourbon St. – Sportsman & 52 Bar still do well today or as well as can be expected with constantly changing virus restrictions. Sadly the re-located Dubliner Pub did not fare as well even well before the virus crisis. Dubliner relocated to Sukhumvit Soi 33/1 – guessing less than 200 meters from their original location. This sub soi is just beyond the popular Villa Market on Sukkhumvit.

Even though Dubliner’s old location had no darts – I always enjoyed to stop in and sample a pint or two of their excellent draught brews before a darts comp. Nothin’ better than a few good scoops before a darts comp. Ah, but their new Soi 33/1 location had the best of both !

As always – I hope you enjoy the pics in this TBT feature. Asked why I feature some players more than others in darts photo shoots – that’s an easy answer. I get to any darts venue with me trusty Nikon camera. To be honest – for me it’s a matter of luck. No usage of flash, catch as catch can photo angle whilst I’m also knocking back multiple draught pints – that’s me darts photography philosophy !

Here is DT’s major “shout-out” to our good friend Eoin formally from Dubliner & Scruffy Murphy’s Irish Pub on Soi 23 – but now with his own fine enterprise – “The Blarney Stone.” Whoa now at two Bangkok locations – one at Sukhumvit Soi 04 and another at 61 Lang Suan Rd. – Bangkok. I recently contacted Eoin to ask if darts will be part of The Blarney Stone. He seems positive of the Soi 04 location eventually adding a darts throw. Eoin’s view on darts – “great people and good craic!”

Closing out – I’d like to remind all of you who are here and able – get out and support our local businesses. We all want to see them return and succeed especially our most valued darts venues. As we slowly and hopefully continue to return to a getting “back to normal” – I look forward to meeting up with you at one of our friendly darts venues for a game or two & one or two or more social sippers. – Johnny Witkowski – DartsThaiand.com

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