Talking Darts in Thailand by Johnny

Hello darts players and enthusiasts worldwide to our newest DT feature “Talking Darts In Thailand.” This feature allows us to present bits & bobs of news happening on the darts scene here as well as answer some of our FAQs – frequently asked questions.

We welcome all “reasonable” questions you may have about darts in general in and throughout Thailand. An example of an “unreasonable” question is one that I pose to my darts friends on a weekly basis – “Why is beer so expensive in Thailand.” – It’s rhetorical, annoy and gets tiresome quickly. Beer is expensive in Thailand – suck it up buttercup.

UPDATE – Sukhumvit Soi 22 – For all you “Bangkok old-timers” still trying to accept the demise of Washington Square – you’d best pour yourself a stiff drink & have a seat. Seems that Queen’s Park Plaza has received their walking papers. Queen’s Park Plaza along with all their fine entertainment facilities will cease to exist by late January 2020. Yeah, yea, we heard this before as legal arguments went on for ten-plus years in Washington Square. But this action seems to be more organized – if such an obscure concept as “organized” is possible anywhere on Sukhumvit.

So, is this the end of the Queen’s Park Plaza bars? No, not for all of them. A new “bar plaza” is currently under construction on Sukhumvit Soi 7. Word is that the larger bars in Queen’s Park Plaza already have contracts to move their businesses to this new plaza. How all of this will affect the overall future success of Soi 22′ s nightlife is a commonly heard discussion. But this is also true in every major tourist destination throughout the country.

As reported in the Thai English newspaper “The Nation” – it’s obvious to anyone that nightclubs, beer bars and many restaurants are all but empty. The strength of the baht, rising tourist locations elsewhere around the region, fickle tourists has seen a demographic shift in Thailand’s tourists and what they are doing during their visits. The days of Europeans visiting in large numbers are over. Sadly this declining group of tourists also includes many darts players.

To keep up with the latest darts news alerts and event announcements – check out our DT discussion group on FaceBook. You can view our page without having a FB account. This discussion group is exclusively for and about darts in Thailand – not about darts in general. Our main goal at DT has always been to provide as much useful information as possible about our local darts scene. Even with declining tourist numbers – many visiting darts players arrive in Thailand looking where to play darts. NOTE – we hope to finally have or new darts bar venue list published next week.

Our most frequently asked question – why we do not publish event info earlier. Actually we usually publish such info as soon as we learn of it. Thailand’s utility companies run the major Thai Darts Open comps but never advertise early. Not having enough time to plan travel & accommodation has been a common complaint for years – even worse for players outside Thailand. Thinking this will improve is highly unrealistic.

We currently advertise three weekly darts events open to all players. If there are any additional weekly events, please inform us and we’ll happy to add them. Remember we publish all info and events. You don’t see only paid advertisers’ events on DT because we do not have any paid advertising. DT is not controlled by or dependent on any advertisers, darts leagues, organizations or associations.

There are many good reasons to visit Thailand especially if you want to escape unbearable northern hemisphere winter weather. All of Thailand’s major tourist destinations have a darts scene. If you’re not sure where to find the darts scene – be sure and give us a shout. Traveling to Thailand – be sure and pack your darts (in your check bag).

I’ll close by answering this FAQ. “Does DT really have a strictly enforced alcohol policy”? Answer – Yes, we do. We encourage all of our contributors to imbibe before doing anything to be seen on DT. And it is mandatory that you consume alcoholic beverages while working on anything to be seen on DT. In our dozen plus years of existence no one has ever violated this policy. Actually, no one has even complained about it.

I leave you with this question. Did you ever see anything on DT that you thought was produced by a sober person? Until next time – Good Darts ! – Johnny Witkowski –

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